Things to make sure you have to setup a new store:
Store Name
(This is what you put in to the Display Name field, using the following format)
Store Name (City, State Abbreviation)
Physical Address
(this will be the address you enter under billing address in Quickbooks)
Mailing address, if different from physical address
If the mailing address is different from the physical address, please place the mailing address in the Notes section of the details for the store at the bottom of the setup page. Additional information regarding contacts,alternate phone numbers, other stores owned, and anything else that is relevant to the store can also be placed in the Notes field.
In-office, we also list the web address of the online ordering page, if that has been requested
Contact name (preferably the owner, but a manager if necessary)
Contact phone number (required) (if not the store number, place this in the Mobile field)
Store phone number (required) if different from contact number (this would go in the Phone field)
email address (more than one is fine, separated by commas, but at least one will make sure we can send written communication quickly, as well as statements and copies of invoices if needed.)
Terms should be set to “Due on receipt”
The questions “Is this a sub customer?” should be off (not green)
These are minimum requirements.
Contact the office if you have questions with any of this.
If I (Michael) am not available, Tracey or Rose should be able to help you…
If Online Ordering is needed for a store, please contact Michael.
I can set up any store for online ordering that needs it, as long as I have an email address and a phone number to be able to send instructions, and check in for questions.
Lastly, If you open a new store, please make sure that it is announced on the group chat, with Store name, location, photos, and whether or not it was paid up front. (There are additional settings I need to work on the backend for each store, and I will need to add them to the Temp-invoice master list so they show up if you need to use temp-invoices, as well as for bonusing purposes.)
thank you!
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